The Death of the Classical Instrument series are pieces for solo instruments and tape, and an essay for ensemble and tape. Classical instruments today are symbols of academic art music - it is impossible to use them without relating to implications of high art, fine culture, a culture of dominance, hegemony etc. (be it affirmatively or denyingly). Because they gesture towards history in an extreme way, they are no longer valid as contemporary media, especially if one wants to relate to something else than this history. The Death of the Classical Instrument series is an attempt to write last pieces for instruments. The instruments are in all works of the series combined with recorded copies of themselves. [2019]
Der Tod des klassischen Instruments (2014/15)
essay for ensemble, recorded ensemble and tape, 26'52''
commissioned and premiered by Mocrep, 13th of March 2016, 20:00, Constellation Chicago
The Death of the Classical Instrument series part one: Trombone (2014)
for trombone and recorded trombone, 4'19''
premiered by Martin Schuller of Electronic ID, 7th of May 2016, 20:30, 686 festival Cologne
The Death of the Classical Instrument series part two: Feieromdlied (2014/15)
for clarinet and play-along, 6'30''
premiered by Carola Schaal on the 10th of March 2015, 20:30h, Unerhörte Musik Berlin
The Death of the Classical Instrument series part three: Spandau (2015)
for flute and play-along, 8'45''
not yet performed
The Death of the Classical Instrument series part four: Habibi (2015)
for piano (one or two hands) and play-along, 20'36''
not yet performed